Welcome one, Welcome all to my blog:
Oprah is my Homegirl, because, well....she is! For those of you who know me, you know my love of Oprah is as deep as the ocean and as wide as the sea. For those of you who don't know shall soon understand. Regardless, lets get down to business kiddies. There is a lot to talk about.

I hate when Oprah has episodes like today's. "What should we REALLY be worried about?" I realize in the wake of the Bin Laden tape we should all stop and take a moment to ponder the fact that we are all more vulnerable than we would care to think. But who cares, Oprah is more powerful than that. She should not be propagating this media mish mash! This is a conservative manipulation tool and I don't like it! Oprah should be reminding us that life is too short to be scared all the time! Oprah should remind us that life is about Ralph Lauren robes and free cars for poor people. Oprah should interview celebrities and ask Angelina why she was blood-wearing brother kisser a year ago and now she's a little Miss United Nations. Come on Oprah, don't freak me out.
Catch tomorrow's episode too guys, its part two that talks about bird flu. eeek!
I hate to be so negative on my first post, but I can criticize and tell the truth 'cause guess what....Oprah is my Homegirl!

In other celebrity news, today it was reported that Jude Law left Sienna Miller for his first wife and mother of his children, Sadie Frost. Oh, Jude! Can it be? Did you really ditch Britain's version of Paris Hilton? For Posh Spices best friend, yet? Oy! Well I guess anything was better than that lard-o babysitter he was boinking. Ugh. See guys, just because someone is adorable and charming and has a funny little accent doesn't mean they are a good person. In fact, if you happen to meet that criteria, chances are you NOT going to be a good person. Chances are you will be a fop.

Now it's time for
Today at my day job a client bought us food from LaLa's Argentinean Grill in Los Angeles. It was pretty good. I got the chorizo sandwich cause I love sausage (insert sexual innuendo here) and some french fries. The sandwich was so-so but the fries were delicious! If you're ever in LA or you're reading this from work, I would recommend giving the place a go. My boss had a salad and loved it.

And lastly, lets not forget that for those of us in LA we can breathe a little easier this week for all the movie stars have evacuated. Yes, Sundance is taking place in Park City, UT all week where the overly commercial "independent" films will look to find someone to buy them up and distribute them amongst the masses. For those of us left in LA that means we might actually have a chance of getting into Teddy's on Thursday night. Well....maybe.
Peace, Love and Oprah
lauraloves MB
you are truly one of the most fabulous people ever!!!!! i'm so happy you are going to bring joy and happiness to my life on a daily basis woo hoo!!! peace love and oprah bitchalicious xoxoxoxo
I didn't know you and Oprah were so close. But now I see it. I look forward to future posts.
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