Look at how skinny and freckly this bitch is. Her back is like a connect the dot's puzzle gone wrong. She is such a fucking disaster....and I love that we all have front row seats. Enjoy while it lasts.....Look at that arm, she looks like she is dying of cancer or something...Could you imagine fucking her? I'd be scared I would break her. Oh, and her teeth look yellow as cat piss.
is that dress numbed two that she wore to the oscar parties? You are not that important Lindsay!
she looks older than julianne moore
It seems like all of you are more insecure with yourselves if you have to actively choose a random person to insult and berate on a cheaply set up blog in your spare internet time. Take a look in the mirror. Chances are you haven't been kind to yourself. I am sure the bitterness is either non acceptance of others and/or a reflection of the self hate each of you have. What would it be like to accept yourselves and accept others? Hmmmm.
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