Oh, Snap!
Welcome back my little lieblings! I hope that I have whet your appetites for gossip, current affairs and whatever else my little brain can hatch! But, I digress, and there is much to talk about and little time to spare....off we go.

So Donald Trump is suing some dude for 5 billion dollars for claiming that he isn't a billionaire. Donald is so extra'd out sometimes. I mean, really, is it that insulting to be accused of NOT being a billionaire? If I was a billionaire and somebody had the "audacity" to accuse me of not being rich as hell, guess what, i would go home and buy an island and a modest private jet....duh!

Well, today the news broke that perhaps Jude didn't leave Sienna after all....she has been spotted canoodling with Hayden Christensen on the set of their movie "Factory Girl" about Andy Warhol's factory. But wait, isn't Hayden gay? I mean I saw him at a bar once with a suspiciously attractive personal assistant. Whatever, I wish them both the best with their movies and their faux-ro...(romance, that is). Looks like maybe Jude wasn't proudly going home but instead was scurrying to find shelter with his tail between his legs.

Are you just soooo over having to take out a second mortgage to buy a cute sweatshirt in this God forsaken town? Worry no more!!! H and M is finally making its way to the left coast! They are opening two stores in Southern Cal after the enormous success of the New York City and San Francisco stores. The new locations will be the Beverly Center and Old Town Pasadena. I personally love some of the stuff and who cares if it unravels after you wash it twice its super cheap...and God knows that American Apparel is gettin SO tired....oh, snap!
Here are a couple creepy and silly things I promised some friends.

This guy is named The Goddess Bunny. Its really spooky and macabre. Very David Lynch..eek! Apparently s/he has been accumulating a large underground following. Don't be scared.....check it out!

Here is a picture that my roomate emailed me. Funny right? Thanks Joe!

And lastly, word from Sundance. Apparently everyone is enjoying themselves out in Utah. Some people are enjoying themselves a wee bit too much. It's been reported that a publicist from Harrison Shriftman (A PR Firm) overdosed on Monday night. Nothing can ruin a night of free shwag more than convulsing naked on the carpet of your hotel room without a wooden spoon to chew on.
And just a reminder, today's Oprah covers Bird Flu. I have a feeling that Oprah is going to surprise a lucky bird flu victim with a brand new immune system. I bet when people accuse Oprah of not being a billionaire (which would be retarded....the woman sweats parking meter change) she would laugh at them and then eat them. Ah, Oprah....I'm so glad to say that you are my homegirl
Peace Love and Oprah
nice max.
You've got that H&M logo on there twice you know. Also the colors hurt my eyes.
Sorry for being an asshole (eh, not really); keep up the good work.
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