Michelle Rodriguez has been getting herself into some deep shit lately. The actress, who currently stars as one of the "others" on Lost, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence earlier this week and took a 5 day prison sentence over 200+ hours of community service. That is so unfair! That bitch is totally a dyke. Thats like...would you like to pick up trash every weekend for a year or go to a 24 hour lesbo bar for 5 days and find yourself a girlfriend who can't squeal to the tabloids because she's behind bars. Of course she chose jail! Thats like Club Med for carpet-munchers! She got off way too easy. And as if her going to a fantasy retreat for 5 days wasn't enough proof of her dyke-ieness, now she's blaming that shit on steroids. She says she gets steroids to help with her allergies to "cockroach resin". WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN? More like her allergies to cock...period. That bitch is so crazy. At least people in Hawaii can drive safe for the next 5 days. Enjoy it while it lasts.

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