Meryl Monday

The little Streepster has been working her ass off lately at the Delacourte Theatre in New York City's Central Park since August 8th in a production of Bertolt Brecht's Mother Courage.
Although the show has not been oficially reviewed, as it has not opened yet, the word on the street is starting to spread that the production, although flawed, is good and that Meryl is not.even.playing.around. The show itself is three and a half hours long and Streep is onstage for most of that time. Liz Smith is quoted as saying, "she is also all fire and ice, bravado and fear, ever bouncing back in adversity. A strong, liberated woman ahead of her time". Above are some production stills showing Meryl looking pretty fucking fierce. I love that bitch and I would give my roomate's left nut for three hours of heaven with the Streep. I need a rich ass boyfriend ASAP!
The New York Times also has an article about how the show is free so people have been lining up 24 hours in advance to get an opportunity to see the Streep go to town. Those assholes know what's up.
I saw Meryl S performing in Mother Courage and Her Children and she was brilliant, I would never expect anything less from her. I laughed, I nearly cried and I loved every single second of it. She is amazing, there are few actresses of her caliber around anymore. And she has an amazing voice, she sings during the play and I must say, like an angel not one single not was off key.
As to be expected Meryl is making everyone go crazy with delight. I would gladly kill someone for the chance to see this. You should read the NYTimes review of the show.
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