Oops, I did it again!
Welcome back kids. Thanks for your continued support of me and my random thoughts throughout the day. As you peruse the twisted perversions of my psyche, please feel free to click on any and all ads that may appear on my blog, for therein lies my pot of gold. Hey, if you're good I might just treat you to dinner one of these nights. But chances are that I will just end up bumming five bucks off of you to score some Jack in the Box this weekend....don't say I didn't warn you!
Lots to do peeps, come on now, hurry up....you too, little one!

So here is a story about a guy who beat up his own grandmother because she wouldn't buy him beer. That is so fucked up. I can't believe his grandmother wouldn't buy him beer.

Ok, I know...at first you may be saying....WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT LITTLE RADIOACTIVE RAT!?! Well its a one eyed cat that was recently born (and unfortunately died soon thereafter). But if you take a minute, it's kind of cute. The way its resting its little head on its hand. And look how small it is....Its comfortably sleeping in the palm of some dude's hand (or dudette). Look at the way it just stares at you with that one big ass eye. Some people may think its weird but I think its super cute. I bet if there were any more Paris Hilton would have one because they are rare and therefore probably expensive. Then again, Paris might relate with the Cyclops-cat. They are both strange little anomalies of nature that are palmed by strange men.
Read the whole story here

It was reported that Kate Moss is expected to pen an autobiography with Sir Richard Branson, some eccentric billionaire. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am all up on KM like white on rice, but I hate models who talk. I like them to look like glorified clothes hangers and guess what....clothes hangers don't write books! I mean when did models start having something interesting to say? A models job, by definition, is to look pretty....so whats with all the chatter? Just stand there and look pretty, bitch. Ugh!
(The topless pic is for the boys...you're welcome)

Oh Lordy, what, may I ask, has Mariah gotten herself into this time? It appears that Mariah was seen posing for pictures with a homeless man outside Sushi hot-spot Koi in Los Angeles. I love Mariah, but I just don't get this picture. Clearly this man is not interested in her celebrity nor wealth. He just wants to roll around and smoke. She, on the other hand seems thrilled to be chillin' with him. Plus I bet he's annoyed that she has total sushi breath. I can't tell if MC is being bitchy in this picture and degrading the homeless guy or if she needs another trip to "Conneticut" for a "vacation". By the way, who the F@%K wears that kinda Grammy award concoction to go out for dinner....on La Cienega, no less! Mariah is always walking that fine line between crazy and crazy/beautiful

Isn't that picture cute. I don't know why I am posting it, I just think it's funny. NO MOTHERFUCKERS, it isn't dead. Its just sleeping....like a little angel-cupcake. Sometimes when I am sitting at the computer during the day I think about this picture and wish that I was that monkey...is that weird? eek!

Last nights Project Runway was pretty good. I am so glad Daniel V. won. I am so madly in love with him. I love the whole Adrian Brody in Silverlake thing he has going. And what the FUCK was up with Jay? He is so pompous and snobby now. That's not allowed! He is neither rich NOR attractive!

So, today Oprah is having James Frey on her show with some critics of the book he wrote. There was some drama regarding the validity of the novel, which went on to be chosen for Oprah's prestigious Book Club. Don't you see! Oprah does not back down! She rocks. When something is shady, guess what...she gets to the bottom of things! No bullshit! I am so glad she is my homegirl.
(There, Jason)
Peace, Love and Oprah
Sometimes you just can't fuck with Oprah.
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