So, more info is slowing coming in regarding the Naomi Campbell arrest. Apparently, the Oprah Winfrey (woo woo homegirl!) Show was filming at her apartment at the time of the attack (thank you FUCKING lord almighty, PLEASE PLEASE let there be footage). Apparently Naomi was looking for a pair of $200 jeans with her assistant upstairs. The assistant called to the maid service downstairs (Naomi has a maid for each floor of her New York apartment) and became enraged when they could not be found. She then threw her diamond encrusted Blackberry at her assistant leaving a 3 inch gash on her forehead.
LOVES IT! That fucking assistant is lucky she walked away with a 3 inch gash. This is only the 30th time Naomi has done that shit, so why do the assistants always act so fucking surprised? OY! I would give my left nut to have Naomi throw pig vomit at me...much less some diamond encrusted device. I love that Naomi has a maid for each floor of her house AND a personal she really that busy?
I also ADORE that she had the brilliant idea to wear a poncho to disguse the fact she was handcuffed. When she walked out she was flasing that smile at the camera and turning on the model face...and you couldn't even tell she was in handies! Pretty damn smart for a model.
So, pray everyone, that Oprah got that attack footage!
Naomi looks like a cross between Mary J. Blige and the fish from Finding Nemo in that pic. Work it, girl.
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