Wow, Project Runway was crazy. Daniel, who up to this point has been my truest love, suddenly got all crazy on us, and turned into this sniffling crazed brat. I wanted him to just stop being so snobby and such a fucking kiss-ass. The second Tim didn't jerk-off all over his collection he started doing everything he could to grovel. I am glad that he was brought down because he was acting like a little shit. He has a site under construction that features a jacket that is really beautiful though.
I am so excited for next week's big finale. I really don't know who is going to win. I was betting on Daniel V. but now I am not so sure. Most of Chloe's collection looked like it was walking a fine line of funky and sophisticated. Santino's looked glamorous and very much not like what I had expected.

I also tried to watch three seconds of Real World 234034943049588/ Key West and almost died it was so fucking horrible. It's like a parody of itself at this point. I gave up on it after fifteen minutes.
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