Apparently rappers 50 Cent has joined Ludacris in stating that Oprah does not like to invite rappers onto her show as not to offend her predominately white and female viewing audience.
What a bunch a fucking retards. Does "Fiddy" ever have Enya open for him? No because his audience doesn't vibe with that shit! It's called being a good business person. And by the way, I believe that I have seen P. Diddy up on that stage.
Secondly, I don't think that these boys know who they are messing with. I would love for them to try to fuck with Oprah. The backlash will NOT be cute. Oprah will invite all their asses on her show and then sit them down for a nice talking to. Can't wait for that shit.
Fucking 50 Cent....what a loser. Oprah's farts sell more copies than his albums. That didn't make sense, but it made me giggle.
I call bullshit—P Diddy is not a rapper.
Yes he is. He just reitred already cause he wanted to make a new band by making ghetto kids walk 12 miles for a piece of cheesecake. LOVES IT!
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