UH OH(prah)

She brought that wiley motherfucker James Frey and was like
"uh-uh nigga', nobody lies to me" and he was like "Oprah, what are you talking about?" and she was like "Bitch PUH-LEEZE! You don't think I got more employees than the CIA? Don't go there" and then he was like, "So what? I lied...whats the big deal?" And then Oprah was all up in his shit like "Boy! The big deal is you made ME look like a fool....and you do NOT go from a poor black ghetto chile who didn't own shoes until age seven to a billionaire media-darling in one lifetime by being no fool". Then James Frey quickly saw his sales plummet. Then Oprah heated up a spoon full of black tar heroin, filled the syringe and gave him a good ole' shot of his own medicine.

Listen peeps, do NOT piss off the "O". She is not going to let it slide. For all you doubters out there who were like, "Oh, Oprah is so full of it", "Oh, Oprah got served" well guess what, she brought that liar back on the show and made a fool out of him on national television. So UH! double-up UH! UH!
You better BELIEVE it's times like these that I thank GOD that Oprah is my homegirl!
Here are just a few of the stories today that Oprah Generated
The New York Times
The Drudge Report
The Smoking Gun

So, Today Nicole Kidman was announced as the UN's Ambassador of Goodwill. She will be replacing Angelina Jolie. Now, what I can't figure out is when the UN started hostin MISS AMERICA. What the Frick? Neither one of these ladies has done anymore than anyone else to help spread Goodwill. In fact, Nicole Kidman has been way too busy making mediocre summer blockbusters and Angelina has been way too busy destroying marriages to spread any Goodwill. And why don't we ask Jennifer Aniston who if Angelina has spread much good will this year. I think that she just might disagree.
And then there is poor Mother Theresa who was NEVER an Ambassador of Goodwill. What's up with that? Just because she looked like the Wicked Witch of the Wests frumpy younger sister the UN totally stiffed her, but Angelina picks up a kid or two along the way in her travels across every five star hotel in the world and she's so "empathetic" and "sincere". Give me a break.
So are you wondering what to do this weekend if you are here in Los Angeles? Here are a few suggestions
Why not go to Larchmont on Sunday. They have a kick-ass Farmer's Market.
Or what about the Melrose Trading Post over in the parking lot of Fairfax High School on Sunday afternoon. It's has everything you could ever want, and even more of stuff you don't want!
Why not take a walk up in Bronson Canyon? You are bound to run into Jake Gyllanhaal walking his dogs
OH! Plus, if you like French food, no place in town is better than Cafe Midi on LaBrea, right next to my favorite store American Rag which carries everything from vintage Lacoste shirts to next seasons hottest designer duds. Check it out guys! And be safe!
Sorry to keep it so short today guys, but it's been a long week, hasn't it? Well, I will save up all my energy so I can hook up a couple of hot posts next week for you all! I wanted to tell you all one last thing:

Have a great weekend!
Peace Love and Oprah
god i love you max
you bring much joy and happiness to my day
Thanks for the comments guys! I love to hear your thoughts! Keep 'em coming!
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