Lindsay Lohan now officially is the youngest person to have a wax scuplture of themselves from Madame Trussauds Wax Museum. You go girl! I love that they even captured the quintessential LiLo hand-on-the-hip pose!
In honor of Lindsay's wax likeness here are a few real life wax sculptures that I would like give a woo woo to:

Here is Cher. She is about 30,000 years old and thanks to botox, face lifts and the sacrifice of a baby once a month, she looks like a vampire.
Priscilla Presley is 61 years old. She also sleeps in air-tight coffins so that her skin is never exposed to natural factors of decay. Thanks to that, she looks more waxy than the waxy LiLo
And here is the unfortunate tale of Elizabeth Hurley who has so much collagen in her lips her face is frozen in a quasi scare/happy sort of thing. Scary.
Hey Dick wad it's not Elizabeth Berkley, it's Liz Hurley!!! Lay off the Yay-Yo!!!!!!
By the way that was me, Holly. x
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