NICK SPEAKS! (but does anyone care?)

Nick Lachey is finally coming out to talk about the end of his marriage with his one way ticket to B-list stardom, Jessica Simpson.
Basically, Nick has been coached by a media relations specialist at ABC (where his new pilot is being produced, with a featured guest star appearance by Allison Weintrab*wink wink*) to make himself sound like the victim and to make Jessica and her father, creepoid child molester, Joe Simpson like the enemies.
Here is a run-down of the article:
Did Papa Joe play a role in the demise of his union?
"I don't pretend to understand Joe. .I don't know if he ever liked me. To this day I couldn't say. It was painful. Do I think Joe drove a rift between us? No. Was he an influence in our marriage? Absolutely."
On rumors of Jessica's adultery, while not ruling them Nick says:
"I don't know if there were other men. But if she did cheat, it was the result of something bigger, not the reason we didn't work. ... Sometimes I think it would be easier if I had just walked in the house and found her in bed with a guy. That would be clear-cut. End of story. I wouldn't have to deal with the uncertainty of adultery."
On what ultimately drew them apart:
"Jessica and I began playing these parts (on their MTV reality show Newlyweds) even when we were by ourselves. It became a really blurred line. There was a question about what truly was our reality."
He is totally trying to blame her and MTV! Take some responsibility. And anyone who ever watched that fucking show knows that Nick hated that bitch! He was constantly rolling his eyes at her retarded comments and giving her dirty looks for every million those tits brought her.
Stop your whining Nick and get ready for a life of openings of Dairy Queens and book signings in Witchita.
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