Hey guys. Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.

Here is a little picture that I saw that made me think of all my friends in New York City....I know that you guys just had the snow storm from hell, but never fear! It will soon be over....just like this snowmans life...eek!
Here are a few other pics that I saw that made me laugh over the weekend.

I especially like the one to the right because I feel like the current White House Staff are like gang members on a worldwide scale, but instead of do-rags and baggy pants, they wear suits. And in those pics of Bush, he really does look a lot like a monkey....maybe he and the Olsen twins are related.
Speaking of the Olsen Twins...look at these HOT HOT HOT pics of them modeling for Bagdley Mischka. Wowza!

I love how MK and Ashley NEVER change facial expressions. Their faces are forever frozen in that deer in headlights/innnocent/clueless sort of look...hahaha dont believe me?

See what I mean?
Anyways, check back later for a new posting.....
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