Bruce Willis has jumped to the defense of controversial author James Frey, declaring he was unfairly attacked on Oprah Winfrey's TV show last month. Frey has been criticized for embellishing parts of his best-selling book, A Million Little Pieces, which was originally billed as a memoir. The Die Hard star says on TV show Access Hollywood, "Look at what happened to James Frey in the last two weeks. That's a great book and so is the follow-up book. And just because his publisher chose to say that these were memoirs, it took it out of being a great work of fiction... to this guy having to go be sucker punched on Oprah by one of the most powerful women in television, just to grind her own axe about it. Hey, Oprah. You had President (Bill Clinton) on your show and if this prick didn't lie about a couple of things, I'm going to set myself on fire right now. James Frey is a writer, OK? He can write about whatever he wants. It's fiction. It's just shameful how he was treated in some of these things." SOURCE
Oh, Bruce, you had better STEP THE FUCK OFF! DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT FUCK WITH OPRAH....what is that bald mf trying to do? I mean, the only way Oprah would even have him on her show is if they cut to you sitting in the studio audience while Demi and Ashton were talking about what a fucking-bald-Lindsay-Lohan-fucking-loser he is. EEK! I mean, I realize that his career is officially on the outs, but why would you go out and talk shit about Oprah, who could destroy you with one fell swoop. Dumbass.
Brucie....a word of advice....don't FUCK with the homegirl
p e a c e l o v e a n d o p r a h
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