My (ahem) other Valentine
These exclusive pictures of my (many) true love in his new film London have been released. This post, my friends, is for the ladies ( and the boys who like to hang out with the ladies and watch "Sex and the City and pick at each others' cuticles)




Well, the film has gotten disappointing reviews to say the least.
"I haven't seen so much nasty stuff ingested by so many people since ... well, college. But at least the folks like this that I used to know were kind enough to overdose at a certain point; here, they just keep talking. Or, more accurately, whining."-- Bob Strauss, LOS ANGELES DAILY NEWS
"Let's hope this movie hasn't come out too early in the year to be remembered for a well-deserved Razzie."-- Timothy Knight, REEL.COM
"I've seen more ferocious, and entertaining, spectacles at Raffi concerts."-- Chris Cabin, FILMCRITIC.COM
Hot Damn! That is FUCKED UP! A RAFFI concert? I mean, come on, it couldn't have been that bad.....could it have?
Well regardless, guess who is definitely going to see it? Thats right,
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