Monday, February 13, 2006

Manic Monday

Hey guys! Hope everyone had an awesome weekend. Mine was fine, thanks for asking! Anyways...

Here is a cool site Michael told me about called witty comics. Its pretty funny, you can make your own weird comics. Here is what I came up with.

So this weekend, Vice President Cheney apparently sprayed a hunter with bullets across his FACE AND CHEST! I, personally, LOVE IT! He will totally fuck with terrorists and/or Aliens if they ever try to invade our country! He is soooo balls to the walls.

I mean, the media, of course, is trying to make Vice President Snarly-Snarlerton sound all innocent. He "accidently" hit this di da.....
I am so sure. Just like he accidently slapped his daughter when she told him she was gay! Woah, that was harsh, huh?

Anyways, my new format of continually posting through the day is officially check back later, some other news might have come up!



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