Why are we so shocked?
I just was perusing some other blogs and I noticed this picture of Paris Hilton...
legs spread-eagle, drunk and coked-up as hell, looking trashy and trashed at some hot bar in some random city surrounded by a bunch of guys she most likely blew later that night....

...and I think to myself...why do we even care anymore? Is this still considered news? Thats like the New York Times putting a story on their front page that reads... BUSINESS MEN GET UP AND GO TO WORK THIS MORNING...like it was actual news. I mean, that's what P.Hilton does...she goes to bars, does drugs, gets all sorts of sloppy and then gets press...I, for one, am so over it. Show me the next time she goes to the bar and takes the keys from her friends and says, "No, guys, I am designated driver tonight"....that would be newsworthy.
Here are some pictures of some of some British celeb who took pics in OK magazine with her "special needs" son, Harvey who has some disease or something. The point here is that this chick (Jordan, as Ian would say, The UK's Jessica Simpson) is totally giving PORN STAR face while little Harvey is like totally out of it, possibly retarded. I'm not making fun of Harvey, I just think it's hysterical that this bitch Jordan is TOTALLY capatalizing on her sons disability for her Maxim-style photo op! What the fuck!?!?!?

Did anyone catch Sasha Cohen's skating routine on the Olympics last night? She totally rocked out with her cock out! I was so feeling it....as my friend Laura would say, she was SHARP! Well, she is oficially in first place until tonight's performance, then we will see if she gets a medal. Regardless...isn't it funny that she shares the same name as the guy who plays Ali G?


Anyways, Happy Hump day guys! Hope you all get some hump hump humpin going on today. I know I did last night! woowoo
Have you ever seen a bitch snap, crackle, and pop her taut little frame with such guile and grace? i think not. go sash!
anonymous? what a homo!
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