Marc Jacobs manwhore boyfriend Jason Marks is done fucking Marc for his fifteen minutes of fame. Jason infamously started seeing Mark and suddenly shot to pseudo-celebrity by posting pictures of himself with every celebrity who has ever worn Louis Vuitton (and that's a lot, people). Sadly, their love, which most thought would last forever**, has come to a screeching halt. Marc seemed to think that Jason and his age difference caused stress on their relationship, seeing as Jason would go out every night and party with Marc's celeb friends (including Mariah, Lindsay, Paris, Winona to name a few) while Marc went to bed alone..seeing as he had work the next morning, unlike his manwhore. But alas, it's over now. At least Marc got to get his rocks off with that hottie. I hope he jizzed in his eye at least once. And Jason Marks has that retarded tatoo forever. What a fucking label whore.
**two weeks
pic and story courtesy of A Socialite's Life
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