Friday, August 04, 2006


-----Original Message-----
To: Perez Hilton
Subject: Re: Yooo
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 23:23:59 +0000

Almost witnessed 3kids being hit by paparazzi.... Never in my life had
an expirience as I just did with the paparazzi. I am not kidding I am
shaking, cannot breathe a bit, scared, anxious and sad. If someone
doesn't feel bad, than I will feel bad for myself.
It is disgusting what
these g-d damn people are doing to me. As well as the people in my life that I work with/for
. Its vulgar and I'm saddened for myself.

And, ANY of those willing to fall into judging me in any way in the
future, or past. Can watch the video tapes that these men/women take of
me while they are being invasive towards my DAY off.... Which I never
have anymore. (Send that to Morgan Creek)

G-d Bless.

The above message was posted to fellow blogger
Perez Hilton and I love it. Hell yeah I am gonna judge your ass! How else am I supposed to keep a blog running, bitch? I love her fucking pity party. Poor little rich girl feels alone and scared. I bet her wallet is too small for all her $100 bills and her diamond slippers are too tight! Cry bitch, cry! She is so gonna lose it under the close scrutiny of the public eye, and we all have a free front row seat! I mean, can you believe, she rarely has a day off! How is she supposed to do coke when she only gets two days a week off? How is Hyde going to survive if she has to stay home on a work night, and by home I mean the Chateau Marmont? Someone seriously needs to tell the girl what is up, and that if she makes seven MILLION dollars for a couple months of work, she's gonna have to actually work. Dumb c--t.


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