Monday, March 27, 2006


Whew! Now I can finally sleep. I have been so worried about Nick and Jenn! Both of them fresh from heartbreak, living in their estates, driving their beautiful cars, living their charmed lives, everybody catering to their every need...

PUH LEEZE! I would never, never, EVER feel sorry for those selfish assholes. In fact, those two should totally date! Then their SELF-pity could morph into the combining of two major star powers and bank accounts and there would be movie deals, dolls and ancilliary markets to be thought about.


At 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can almost smell the toe-jam in Nicks' photo. Why isn't that fucker wearing shoes? Is he "chillin'" on the yacht? Fucker.

At 7:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jennifer seems to think she's the first person ever to go through a seperation/divorce. Bitch please.


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