Thursday, June 22, 2006


Happy Birthday!

Today is Meryl Streeps birthday and thus, I have to give the hard core shout outs. Here are some videos of Meryl I found online, working her shit, as usual. One of my favorite movies growing up was Death Becomes Her, and her opening number in it is pretty hysterical. I love it. Thank you god, for putting Meryl on this Earth!

I am not worthy

Meryl Breaks a Nail



Meryls Greatest Moments

Meryl does not hold back. Love it.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Vintage Jolie

Vintage Jolie

Look at that fucking whore here. You know her little prom outfit is cute, but she's no angel.
Love it.

Angelina chums it up with My Dream Lover

Angelina on Anderson Cooper 360

Here is a boring ass clip from Angelina chumming it up with fag-alicious Anderson Cooper on his CNN show. She talks about peace and shit. Snore/bore. I want her to talk about Brad's dick or how much she hates Jennifer Aniston or how crazy she is. But instead, she talks boring humanitarian issues. Blech.

The Clash of the Britneys


Woah. If Britney Spears has to be called out for doing too little on her interview with Matt Lauer , then Britney Murphy has to be called out for doing WAY TOO MUCH. Oy! The weave plus the make-up plus the FACE LIFT plus those collagen lips. TOO TOO MUCH!

picture courtesy o
D Listed


A picture of Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy showing us how they kiss in France.

Also, a totally unrelated fact:

Oral herpes, an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus, is estimated to be present in 50 to 80 percent of the American adult population. 20 percent, over 50 million people, are infected with genital herpes, also caused by the herpes simplex virus, and the majority of these cases may be unaware they even have it. Studies show that more than 500,000 Americans are diagnosed with genital herpes each year, and the largest increase is occurring in young teens.

Totally unrelated fact. Totally unrelated. Totally.

Photo courtesy of
The Superficial

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Here is a picture of Kevin Federline looking like a sexy beast by some pool. I have not seen him touch that ugly tard-o baby Sean Preston once. I would adore seeing a picture of those two together. What the fuck, I mean, I know that my body isn't the greatest, but this guy is just pathetic. And he's a dancer! Poor Britney, Justin Timberlake was her first taste of the dick....and now she has to look at this piece of trash every night. So sad.

pic courtesy of D Listed


In a startling turn today, Los Angeles officials in the City of West Hollywood have asked that the Sheriff's department concern itself less with more serious crimes than possesion and use of marijuana.

The LA Times reports that Councilman John Duran proposed the resolution, saying that deputies have more important things to worry about than arresting people with small amounts of pot. Instead, he said, deputies could focus on more destructive drugs like crystal methamphetamine."We've seen that marijuana use is certainly no more dangerous and destructive than alcohol use," Duran said. "The whole 'reefer madness' hysteria has worn thin."

pic and story courtesy of The LAist


Leave it to the Gays....

Here is a clip from the 1938 film Reefer Madness. I am glad that the gays have shown the police that there are greater threats than getting high in West Hollywood...the most threatening being Abercrombie and Fitch clad youngin's from the Orange County.

Enjoy your reefer, kids.