Morgellons Disease, a rare skin condition, has been discovered in America, and most cases have actually been found in Southern California! What the fuck!?
This nasty ass disease start with the illusion that bugs are crawling all over you shit like a straight up crack head. It DOES NOT end here though, my besties....then you start to get sores that (I am being 100% serious here) grow colored fibers from them! I mean....what sort
of weird, crystal methish disease is this? I am freaking out here at work. I am convinced that I have it already, but a whore like me could just have scabies. Regardless, this shit is fucking the video here and freak yourself out!
Here is a picture of the fibrous tissue
that grows from the sores. I know....fucking sick!
I wonder if Prada will make a knit hat with that shit for
the Winter 2006 line.