Your Ass Can Afford a Better Weave
I think that all the black girls in Hollywood need to have a sit-down chat with Britney. Girl does not know how to take care of the nap on her head! I love Britney. I am super excited that she is prepping for her comeback. I am happy as hell that she dumped Fed-Ex. But our girl is from the country and she needs help. Britney, get a stylist and a hairstylist. I don't care if you use Rachel Zoe and Ken Paves, just get some professionals, pronto! I'm in your corner, girl. Help me help you. xo
Links For the Memories!
Advice to Lindsay Lohan: Proofread! - DefamerThe countdown begins: How long until Michael Richardson checks into rehab? - TMZI don't know who I lost more respect for, John Mayer or Jessica Simpson.
Oh, let's get real...I never respected either of them in the first place - Perez HiltonDo I really need any more reasons to love Gael Garcia Bernal? - The International Herald Tribune
How many times to I have to tell you people? Do not fuck with Oprah - Tittle-Tattle Too
Gwen Stefani: Out of the Spaceship and Onto the Red Carpet
I know that some people think that outfit Gwen Stefani's wore to the American Music Awards was ugly, but as usual, I have to disagree. I get it...she looks like a coke-whore pornstar alien...but she is rocking it. And I am happy as a clam that she lost the Japanese posse. Those glasses are supa-fly and her legs are toned and sexy. I totally hate bangs and the bleached out color but for some reason it works. I don't know what spell she casts over me, but Gwen could have a retard as her stylist and I would still love it. You know that poor Gavin doesn't get her style and he is completely embarssed. Look at him trying to rock denim and a t-shirt at an awards show. He looks like he was going to just stay at home and Gwen made him come at the last minute.