Friday, March 03, 2006

I mean, maybe I should just let it go and accept Lindsay's ever impressive spiral into the world of Lifetime movies and commentary on "Best Week Ever". It could be fun to watch this lovely young starlet with everything in the world handed to her on a silver platter fuck it up and then pay with eternal shame and regret each and every day of the rest of her life...which will be lived in Chatsworth. It's kinda like a real life Requiem For a Dream and I like it.

I noticed that yesterday there were quite a lot fewer views than most days, so I figured that I had to lure you back with pictures of LiLo's titties like children to lollipops. Well, here it is, Lindsays pale-ass stretch mark laden tit. It's a beauity, ain't it? Wow, it rivals the Mona Lisa's mysterious smile.
Come on, Lohan, pull it together...you are SOOOO on the path to Tara Reid-ville.
At least she's pretty...Ann Coulter's Guide to the Oscars

This is my first annual Oscar predictions column, for which I am uniquely qualified by not having seen a single one of the movies nominated in any category. I've never even watched an Oscar ceremony, except once when a friend called me 35 minutes into Halle Berry's acceptance speech and I managed to catch only the last 20 minutes of it.
I shall grant my awards based on the same criteria Hollywood studio executives now use to green-light movies: political correctness. Also, judging by most of the nominees this year, the awards committee prefers movies that are wildly unpopular with audiences.
The box office numbers for this year's favorite, "Brokeback Mountain," are more jealously guarded than the nuclear codes in the president's black box. Hollywood liberals want the government to release everything we know about al-Zarqawi, but refuse to release the number of people who have seen "Brokeback Mountain."
I shall summarize the plots of the five movies nominated for best picture below:
"Brokeback Mountain" (gay)
"Capote" (death penalty with bonus gay lead)
"Crash" (racism)
"Good Night, and Good Luck" (McCarthyism)
"Munich" (Jew athletes at Munich had it coming)
Everyone says it's going to be "Crash," but I think "Crash" is too popular with filmgoers. Moreover, Hollywood feels it has done enough for the blacks. Hollywood can never do enough for the gays. Gays in the military, gays in the Texas Rangers, gays on the range. It's like a brokeback record! As Pat Buchanan said, homosexuality has gone from "the love that dare not speak its name" to "the love that won't shut up."
Is the idea of gay cowboys really that new? Didn't the Village People do that a couple of decades ago? Am I the only person who saw John Travolta in "Urban Cowboy"?
Movies with the same groundbreaking theme to come:
"Westward Homo!"
"The Magnificent, Fabulous Seven"
"Gunfight at the K-Y Corral"
"How West Hollywood Was Won"
OK, back to predictions. The best director award will go to ... Ang Lee, director of "Brokeback Mountain." (For analysis, see above.) Also, this is gays directed by an Asian, which should satisfy the gaysians. Hands down: Ang Lee.
The nominees for best actor in a leading role are:
Philip Seymour Hoffman, "Capote"
Terrence Howard, "Hustle & Flow"
Heath Ledger, "Brokeback Mountain"
Joaquin Phoenix, "Walk the Line"
David Strathairn, "Good Night, and Good Luck"
The winner in this category will be ... Philip Seymour Hoffman. The awards committee can't give everything to "Brokeback Mountain," and at least Truman Capote was gay (though not a cowboy). I personally would have chosen the lion in the Narnia movie, but he wasn't even nominated.
The nominees for best actress in a leading role are:
Judi Dench, "Mrs. Henderson Presents"
Felicity Huffman, "Transamerica"
Keira Knightley, "Pride & Prejudice"
Charlize Theron, "North Country"
Reese Witherspoon, "Walk the Line"
I gather Reese Witherspoon is very good in "Walk the Line," but that's irrelevant -- this is the Oscars! Felicity Huffman plays a pre-op transsexual in "Transamerica." That strikes a chord in Hollywood. It's not exactly gay, but close enough! I say Huffman wins.
For best actress in a supporting role, Rachel Weisz ought to win for "The Constant Gardener" because it's about how drug companies are evil, which to me is the essence of quality acting. Plus, English accent equals good acting. But Michelle Williams ("Brokeback Mountain") is engaged to Heath Ledger, who played a gay guy in "Brokeback Mountain." So I pick Weisz, with Williams as the dark-horse favorite.
The best original screenplay will be "Good Night, and Good Luck" as Hollywood's final tribute to the old Stalinists (Hollywood's version of "The Greatest Generation"). George Clooney has been mau-mauing the awards committee by going around boasting that conservatives have called him a "traitor," although I believe the precise term was "airhead."
Finally, my favorite category: best foreign language film. The nominees are:
"Don't Tell" (Italy)
"Joyeux Noel" (France)
"Paradise Now" (Palestine)
"Sophie Scholl" (Germany)
"Tsotsi" (South Africa)
After consulting with the Yale admissions committee, the awards committee will give the Oscar to ... "Paradise Now," a heartwarming story about Palestinian suicide bombers. How good is it? Al-Jazeera gave it 4 1/2 pipe bombs. It's Air Syria's featured in-flight movie this month -- go figure! I don't want to spoil the ending for you, but let's just say there won't be a sequel.
Normally, the smart money is on the Holocaust movie, so any other year, "Sophie Scholl" would have been the clear favorite. Unfortunately for the makers of "Sophie Scholl," their Holocaust movie came out the same year as a pro-terrorist movie, so they lose.
As a final prediction, for the second year, there will be no mention of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh, who was brutally murdered by an angry Muslim a little over a year ago on the streets of Amsterdam. (Now that's blacklisted!) I also predict this will be the lowest-rated Oscars ever. Remember to turn off your cell phones, no talking ... or sleeping.
***Damn! That bitch is fucked up! But who cares, she has huge Tits and anorexic wrists! LOVE***Watch out Ann, don't piss off the gays, nothing good ever comes of it...and them's is fightin' words***
Thursday, March 02, 2006

Here is a list of all your favorite pop-culture figures who also happen to like to partake in our Sweet Lady Jane. See you aren't so different after all...other than that whole they're rich and you're poor thing....
Will it ever end?

Click the pic above and lets play a hide and seek sort of game....
- Find the line of coke
- Find the half smoked box of Parliments
- Find the $1,200 leather boots (hint hint they're purple)
- Find the actresses dreams of ever doing anything other than half-baked Disney flicks destroyed.
Seriously, Linds, give me a fucking break and lay off the drama. Here's my suggestion...buy a TiVo and fucking stay in and watch some TV tonight...and NO, i don't mean watch some TV while smoking crystal meth. Just hang out and be a kid before you end up like Liza Minelli or Liz Taylor. Overexposure is a BITCH

Star is quoted saying:

Wow, Project Runway was crazy. Daniel, who up to this point has been my truest love, suddenly got all crazy on us, and turned into this sniffling crazed brat. I wanted him to just stop being so snobby and such a fucking kiss-ass. The second Tim didn't jerk-off all over his collection he started doing everything he could to grovel. I am glad that he was brought down because he was acting like a little shit. He has a site under construction that features a jacket that is really beautiful though.
I am so excited for next week's big finale. I really don't know who is going to win. I was betting on Daniel V. but now I am not so sure. Most of Chloe's collection looked like it was walking a fine line of funky and sophisticated. Santino's looked glamorous and very much not like what I had expected.

I also tried to watch three seconds of Real World 234034943049588/ Key West and almost died it was so fucking horrible. It's like a parody of itself at this point. I gave up on it after fifteen minutes.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Although this is unreadable, trust me, it's good. Above is Brangelina's registry report for their wedding gifts. Those fucking fucking BORES registered at Tiffany & Co. SNOOZE! I mean, who the FUCK needs 30 platinum edged plates that cost $45 a pop? I guess money and fame can't buy taste.
Anothing interesting tid-bit that is Angelina is listed as Angelina J. Voight and the date of the wedding is listed as well! June 27th! I am eagerly awaiting my invite to arrive....
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
What is wrong with this picture?

Could it be that Britney is TOTALLY sporting a sad excuse for a wig!?!?
Can you (straight) guys believe that you EVER masturbated to the thought of her?
Regardless, Britney is in N'Awlins for Mardi Gras (Appropriately titled Fat Tuesday, seeing as I got my Girl Scout Cookie order today). I am glad that she is bringing some of her Southern "charm" down to the city....by the way....when was the last time she and K-Fed were photographed together.....good thing she got that Pre-nup....

What the fuck? is Janice Dickinson a real person anymore or is this some sort of sick, twisted "Weekend in Bernies" type of shit? She looks like some taxidermied monster....People, this woman has CHILDREN in the world...that can look at these photos....just TRY imagining that tucking you in at night....and those TITS look hard as rock, which goes to show that plastic surgery from the 1990's just doesn't have legs...
Monday, February 27, 2006

Apparently Paris Hilton was ACTUALLY cast as Mother Theresa.....yeah, I know, I'm totally confused.
Indian director T. Rajeevnath and she has now won the role.
He said: "The preliminary script has been readied. And the proceeds of the film would go to the Missionaries of Charity. By June this year, the groundwork for the film would be complete and I propose to begin shooting in West Bengal and several foreign countries in early 2007."
Parasite said: "It's such an honour. I'm so excited. I really want to learn more about this amazing woman, so that's what I'm doing in a few months." SOURCE
Well, Lindsay has been a busy busy girl lately, what with DJing the wrap party of her latest film Chapter 27 and denying that she has celebrity friends she must be taking vitamins or doing yoga to find her inner strength and energy.....

...or maybe she's doing enough coke to kill a small elephant....who knows....