Better Late Than Never
Better Late Than NeverOh hell yeah bitches! I just learned how to post things from - up on my watch the fuck out! Here was the baby drop incident with Britney Spears from a few weeks ago.

I mean, come on Linds, I know I always hate on you, but in my heart it's cause I am rooting for you. But girl, pull it together! What is going on here. Are you doing ecstasy and then walking the red carpet? Your fake tan is terrible, your hair is retarded and you have fly-aways and whats up with the light pink lipstick? The dress is hot and very '80's. But she looks a hot mess! I am so on team Lohan but you have to give me something to work with girl! Oy.

For those who haven't already heard, Linds already got in trouble earlier this week for her ansy booger sugar loving ways. She was a guest of Anna Wintour at some fashion dinner and she was seated with Anna, known in the fashion industry as queen cunt, and when Lohan went to the ladies six times in two hours she told her friend/old queen Karl Lagerfeld that if she got up one more time she would be dismissed and never again invited to grace Anna's presence again. She demanded that Karl "control his guest". Love it!Check out the trailer for "The Devil Wears Prada" starring Meryl. The role she plays is supposedly based on Anna Wintour.
Hey, you arent a loser for smoking pot! All these people have done it too!
Click here to check out the really long, and really surprising list. Look how many President's not only smoked but grew cannabis!
Here are a few other websites that deal with celebrities and their love affair with the dank stuff:The Hemp FilesOceans 420Cannabis Culture
Dissed and Dismissed
Last night, America, Inc. dropped our 500lbs dicks, er, I mean, bombs on bad guy Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq last night taking down a major player in Al-Queda. Bush has already stroked off all of our soldiers.
Listen, I'm not trying to talk shit (actually I am), and I realize the people who were killed were bad men, but this is all just a little party that Bush can throw and say, see, we ARE right to go out and send young, often times poor, AMERICANS to other countries to fight for rich white Republican's causes while the rest of the country pays more for a gallon of gas than an abortion. I also realize I don't know much about all this political stuff, but I do know that for a democracy, I don't think that the people are being adequately heard nor are they given a venue in which EACH AND EVERY PERSON can learn about the issues and decide for themselves and then create a system where each person's vote ACTUALLY counts. It really all comes down to one thing....Oprah doesn't run this shit. If Oprah were president, Osama Bin Laden would have not only been found by now, personally by the O herself, she wouldnt have just killed him. She would give him therapy and make him read Grapes of Wrath as to understand American's struggles so he could relate!
By the way. What the fuck is Hugh Jackman doing in this pic? I mean, politics are crazy and all, but I told you fools he was a homo!
pic courtesy of D Listed
Who would you rather bang? That skinny ass bitch Nicole or the stewardess/whores who served her a whole peanut on a plane. I think that I would stick to the one who has terrible taste in powder who looks like a sad old hooker from Memoirs of a Geisha. I bet you that the women didn't even know who she was, they just wanted to take a picture with the skinniest little boy in a dress they had ever seen.
Angelina and Brad are so Shiloh...
The first released picture of the baby of the century....Shiloh Nouvel Pitt-Jolie. Angelina and Brad are pretty genius because they already sold the pic of the little shit for $5million and they are donating the money to charity. I think the name of their charity of choice is," lets re-decorate the mess of a house that Jenn mad"e. Even though Jenn's movie The Break Up made $38million and was number one over X:3 this weekend, I bet she's still sad as hell that she is a barren shriveld empty-wombed lonely bitch. But, hey, she's rich. How many tears do you think Jenn cried when she saw this photo? 5 million or 38 million?
Wow, this shit is pretty crazy. Let's start from the top and work out way down, shall we?
A. Curlers. What the fuck? Did she suddenly forget that she was at one point an attractive sex symbol and baby or not, it is not good for her image to be seen cavorting around country roads with her hair (which, by the way, is most likely mostly composed of extensions) in 80's style curnlers. What a tard.
B. Baby Sean Tardo Preston. That kid totally has some sort of chromosome missing. He is completely downy looking! I bet it's all that second hand pot smoke Britney inhaled as from K-Fug when she was preggers.
C. You know those nasty ass kicks are straight up from Sketchers $24.99 sale rack.
D. Her outfit may be from Judy's in 1992.
E. She is rich, why is she walking on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere? Where is the driver and the Bentley? So confused.
pic courtesy of The Superficial