Here is a transcript of a crazed phone message that Faye Dunaway left on a reporters voicemail. She seems pretty upstet. I told you that bitch was crazy. Keep reading to see just how crazy the Dunaway can get.
VOICEMAIL OPERATOR) "Call received 6:14AM, Thursday, February 27th."
(FAYE DUNAWAY, somewhat calm for two seconds then sounds enraged for the rest of the voicemail) "Yeah Jack, this is Faye Dunaway. Look I've, uh, raced some of the stuff from the O'Neill interview but I'm not really interested in Terry O'Neill He's a BIG, BIG liar and I'm really not interested in in him and you know all and dilly-dallying and carrying over Mommie Dearest I don't even want to DISCUSS it in my interview OR on this Lloyd-Webber thing. Those are NEGATIVE and I notice that you have NOTHING in about Marlon Brandon, you have NOTHING in about Johnny Depp which I did two films with, I don't expect you to get get him for an interview, but you could put some footage in of the of the Christopher Reeveson (?) movie which I was BRILLIANT in and it was not well SOLD in this COUNTRY you can talk about the Marlon Brando film that I was wonderful in. All the POSITIVE things along that that period, the Marlon Brando film was going on at the same time that the Lloyd-Webber STU-PI-DITY was going on and you all have to put in the LLOYD-WEBBER STUPIDITY, you can't put in that I worked with the wonderful Marlon Brando and talk to the director of THAT movie for CHRISTSAKE! And I'm NOT gonna approve it and I'm REALLY upset now because that uh for TWO NIGHTS now tried to thread through that STUPID interview with a with a man that I will not even WASTE MY TIME discussing. And and you know who, suffice it to say, STOPPED working when he married me and PRETENDED to be my manager for a VERY long time so let's not even GO THERE. It's VERY upsetting to me! And then to put my uh OUR child in JEOPARDY the way he has. So I'm not interested in these NEGATIVE things that you all are putting in there with me in! I don't want LLOYD-WEBBER in, I'd like you to cut him OUT, and I'd like you to REALLY trim down E-VE-RY thing to do with that Mommie Dearest, I'M not gonna talk about it, maybe ONE thing I'm gonna say about it and THAT'S ALL. It's just like uh you know an obsession, WHY can't you be obsessed about positive things? About Marlon Brando? About the Christopher Reeveson (?) movie that was the hit of all of Europe and Cannes? About uh, the film I did with Brando and talk to that, ya know?...."
Click here to hear the the message for yourself.