If you haven't heard by now, it seems that Jessica Simpson wasted no time catching up on all the years she squandered by not being a total fucking whore. She was spotted leaving the Chateau Marmont last week after reportedly staying the night in Adam Levine (Marroon 5)'s room.

This weekend Steven Soderbergh opened his revolutionary new business plan for the future of filmaking. His new film "Bubble" opened in limited release this past weekend. The catch is it also is released on DVD on Tuesday 1/31 as well as it becoming available on Pay-Per-View over the weekend. Most movie theatres are trying to destroy his plan by protesting the films release in their theatres. Problem is, you should see it. Soderbergh is a great director, the movie is getting excellent reviews, and it is different. Kudos to you Soderbergh for thinking outside the bun...I mean box. With the recent slump in box office sales, someone needs to!

What the fuck is wrong with Lindsay Lohan? ONCE AGAIN she was hospitalized, this time in London after apparently cutting her shin after slipping on a staircase after a shower at Bryan Adams' house. Wow. There are so many things wrong with that last sentence I don't eve know where to begin...but I'll try.
a. What was Lindsay Lohan doing at Bryan Adams house?
b. Why was she getting out of the shower?
c. How long until one of these hospital trips finally ends with her rapidly approaching death by idiocy?
d. What the fuck was going on with the whole ceramic teacup shit her mom was spouting in this article?
That girl has the"Most likely to become the female Brad Renfro" award in the bag!

Proof that America loves crazy has been found in a recent poll that sates that movie exhibitors name Tom Cruise the top box office draw of 2005.
Paris Hilton has been revealed to be an idiot. During a recent court trial convicting her of slander and libel, she admitted to not knowing that London was in the United Kingdom as well as holding the belief that all people in Europe speak French. I am glad that it took a court of law to declare Hilton an idiot, something that the general public has held as a common belief since her admittance into pop culture in 2001.

And lastly, the woman who had the world's first successful face transplant has been photographed.

Back to the drawing board...
Check out today's Oprah show, a follow up on the bank robbing dad whose sons turned him in!
Also, Oprah celebrated her 52nd birthday over the weekend! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOMEGIRL!
Peace, Love and Oprah
(hang in there, Mondays are rough)