Wednesday, September 20, 2006


My friend/roomate Joe passed this snazzy clip along for me to show to you guys.

This little MF can hustle! I mean, I was never a Connect 4 fan myself...but that boy can work it!

Somebody should let Angelina and Brad know about this one...he actually deserves to be rescued seeing as he has a cool party trick and all.

Happy to say that I am now signed up with Yahoo! and Current for some more video clippage!!

Monday, September 18, 2006


Everybody should check out the series premiere of 'The Class' tonight on CBS. The show vistits a third grade class that reconnect after twenty years. I've seen the pilot and this show is damn good! You'd be a fool not to watch it, cause everyone will be talking about it tomorrow and I know you don't want to feel left out, bitches!

The Class Series Permiere
Tonight! Monday September 18th, 2006
8:00pm ET/PT on CBS

Check it!