Friday, February 24, 2006

These pictures are from the Dolce and Gabana fashion show in Milan. I posted them as a reminder that J. Lo has still got it. Don't you dare forget that, if the woman does one thing well, it's wearing designer clothes. I love the way that she is really giving GREAT face in these pics. Look at those fuckin' eyes! LOVES IT!!

According to another blog, Natalie Portman got her man back. Don't worry, I'm pissed too. I bet he only is with her now cause she looks like a total boy. He probably only lets her blow him or fuck him with a strap-on. God, I am totally green with jealousy! SOURCE
Sasha Cohen is a Loser....No, not Ali G....I still like him...

That bitch Sasha Cohen totally fucked up....TWICE....last night...I hate her....I totally had to guzzle a bottle of wine to get over the embarassment of being an American tonight. Guess what Sasha....Second place is the FIRST LOSER...bitch
Oh, and by the way, you look like a total dyke in your "hot" fashion pic.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Here rests blogspot.com. It was a kind and beautiful helper as it lovingly introduced me to the world of blogging. But much like a butterfly that must break free from it's cocoon to experience life as an adult, I , too, must shed the constricting *blogspot* and reappear as my TRUEST self....
that's it folks, no more blogspot in my address name. It is easier than easy to get to my blog now, folks, so I expect to see you all here. It's hard being easy guys....
Thank you to JOE my roomie for the !!amazing!!! graphics of Opie, et al mouring the loss of blogspot!
Thanks, also, to GIO (the mole), for hooking up my site for easier access. Has anyone ever played Helicopter or Lemonade Stand? They are my two personal fave games on Gio's website U GOT GAMES
As Oprah always says, "It takes a village..."peace.love.oprah
You guys, if you appreciate great pictures, please CLICK HERE. It is a series of photos of the New York Times' list of the best performances of the year. I like that the Times added the usual suspects (Charlize, Reese, Joaquin)...but also gave shout-outs to some amazing performances that were under the radar (Shirley MaClaine, Amy Adams, Jeff Daniels, etc). Also the pics are really kind of bizarre and haunting, it was definitely a different feel than the usual Hollywood "glamour" shots. There are seriously like 25, but here are a few teasers...

Penelope Cruz (top)
Viggo Mortisen (above)

Wow, too bad Joan Crawford isn't around...because it's getting bad kids, South Dakota has passed a ban on virtually all abortion cases, punishing doctors who perform them with 5 years in prison and a $5,000 fine. This is the first time that Roe v. Wade has been defied by a state since it was passed in 1973. Eek!

This movie is almost as fucked up as not being able to kill your baby....almost....
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
OK guys, I have officially opened up my postings to all people, so now anybody can comment...and you do not have to register or anything. This means I WANT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU TO POST! I don't care what you post about, I just would love for all my friends to give a post now and then. Thought something was really funny? Tell me! Hated something I wrote? Tell me! Did I get a story wrong? Tell me! Did I use the wrong "there"? Tell me!
To start things off....Here is an amazing picture that is part of an earlier post.
Pretty pop star from England + her mentally "special son" = discussion time
I feel compelled to start this discussion.

Haha! Look at this pic of Charlize Theron from Jr. High. The sad thing is, I desperately want her to be disgusting and gross, but she's totally not! She looks EXACTLY like the "ugly" girl in every teen movie that gets a "make-over" (AKA gets contacts and lets her hair down). Dammit, some people have all the luck. But if this is at all depressing to you, go ahead and scroll down and take a look at her on my Feb. 15th posting to look at her with bad skin eating ice cream....bitch.
Tomorrow is Only a Faye A-Dunaway

Can I just tell you guys a story that one time I was at Whole Foods and I was waiting in line at the Deli behind Faye Dunaway. She had her full on Norma Desmond turban/sunglasses@night look going on. She was ordering prosciutto and the deli worker was apparently inept at slicing the meat because she kept waving her finger at him and correcting his slicing technique. Now, you have to imagine that Faye probably has enough pills in her stomach to be technically considered a meal and she's shaking and drooling and her voice is warbling. She basically looks like a mix between a rabid dog and a schizophrenic I often see on Santa Monica Blvd./Crescent Heights. Regardless this deli guy is totally annoyed and cutting her meat and she keeps whispering "Paper thin....darling....paper thin". Creepy/Fabulous!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Why are we so shocked?
I just was perusing some other blogs and I noticed this picture of Paris Hilton...
legs spread-eagle, drunk and coked-up as hell, looking trashy and trashed at some hot bar in some random city surrounded by a bunch of guys she most likely blew later that night....

...and I think to myself...why do we even care anymore? Is this still considered news? Thats like the New York Times putting a story on their front page that reads... BUSINESS MEN GET UP AND GO TO WORK THIS MORNING...like it was actual news. I mean, that's what P.Hilton does...she goes to bars, does drugs, gets all sorts of sloppy and then gets press...I, for one, am so over it. Show me the next time she goes to the bar and takes the keys from her friends and says, "No, guys, I am designated driver tonight"....that would be newsworthy.
Here are some pictures of some of some British celeb who took pics in OK magazine with her "special needs" son, Harvey who has some disease or something. The point here is that this chick (Jordan, as Ian would say, The UK's Jessica Simpson) is totally giving PORN STAR face while little Harvey is like totally out of it, possibly retarded. I'm not making fun of Harvey, I just think it's hysterical that this bitch Jordan is TOTALLY capatalizing on her sons disability for her Maxim-style photo op! What the fuck!?!?!?

Did anyone catch Sasha Cohen's skating routine on the Olympics last night? She totally rocked out with her cock out! I was so feeling it....as my friend Laura would say, she was SHARP! Well, she is oficially in first place until tonight's performance, then we will see if she gets a medal. Regardless...isn't it funny that she shares the same name as the guy who plays Ali G?


Anyways, Happy Hump day guys! Hope you all get some hump hump humpin going on today. I know I did last night! woowoo
Hey guys. Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.

Here is a little picture that I saw that made me think of all my friends in New York City....I know that you guys just had the snow storm from hell, but never fear! It will soon be over....just like this snowmans life...eek!
Here are a few other pics that I saw that made me laugh over the weekend.

I especially like the one to the right because I feel like the current White House Staff are like gang members on a worldwide scale, but instead of do-rags and baggy pants, they wear suits. And in those pics of Bush, he really does look a lot like a monkey....maybe he and the Olsen twins are related.
Speaking of the Olsen Twins...look at these HOT HOT HOT pics of them modeling for Bagdley Mischka. Wowza!

I love how MK and Ashley NEVER change facial expressions. Their faces are forever frozen in that deer in headlights/innnocent/clueless sort of look...hahaha dont believe me?

See what I mean?
Anyways, check back later for a new posting.....
Monday, February 20, 2006
Hey guys....hope you have a fabulous Presidents day. More than that, I hope you don't have to work! Here is a weird little big of factos on two famous presidents. It's kinda sppoky...
Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters.
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both were shot in the head.
Lincoln's secretary, Kennedy, warned him not to go to the theatre.
Kennedy's secretary, Lincoln, warned him not to go to Dallas.
Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners.
Both successors were named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are comprised of fifteen letters
Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse.
Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater.
Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.
weird, right?