That dumb whore Lindsay Lohan was once again was hospitalized. She is so fucking crazy. Supposedly it was from a 12 hour day in the Californian heat, but I am a little suspicious that Linds spent the full 12 hours outside. I have a feeling her fucking freezing trailer probably allowed her to cool off as well as snort a few lines. What a crack-head. I already forgot why she is famouse. Ugh. Hate.
Wow. I never saw this one coming. This is just so revolutionary that a huge glittering superstar like Lance Bass would open his ass-er, I mean, mouth to tell the world what a flaming homo he is. This is going to change the music industry as we know it. How could a huge star tell us a secret like this, that the American public never saw coming (out). In other earth-shatteringly shocking news:Lindsay Lohan is a crackwhoreAngelina Jolie is nice to staving African kids, but she's a real cunt to ex Friends castmates. Oprah is rich as hell....and black!Baby Suri has not been seen for 100 days, as of today, and her daddy is a feg who hates pills. Renee Zellwegger squints every time someone takes a pic of her face. Nicole Kidman hearts botox. The Pope molests little kids.
The Fountain, Sneak Preview
This weekend when I went and saw the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen(Lady in the Water) the movie opened with the preview for the film The Fountain. I have a personal friend who worked very closely on this production and from what he says, what the trailer shows and what the early buzz is, I think it's going to be fucking sick. And not the bad kind of sick, the good kind. I love Rachel Weisz and Hugh Jack-off-man and director Darren Aronofsky, so hopefully they can work their shit. The story looks extremely large in scope and I am hoping it delivers. Enjoy the sneak preview!
Hold on, He's NOT gay?!

Look at these faggy ass pictures of Soccer loser David Beckham. There is much to discuss:
1. He is redder than a lobster at a clambake, for real. What the fuck, he needs to take the tanning down a notch. It's called sun block. Use it.
2. Why are his legs so beautiful and his arms so lean but he always looks so middle heavy to me. Running around the soccer field should help him get rid of those child bearing hips!
3. Love the sunglasses. Especially cause they reek of fag.
4. Two words: White Speedo.
5. Where the fuck is Posh? I bet she saw that she weighed a whole 32lbs. and was in the barfroom doing her favorite thing, puking up food she doesn't eat.
pics courtesy of Perez Hilton
Here is a pic of Queer-ah Knightley looking like a two-dollar hooker in London. The true piece de resistance of this picture is the fucking Orlando Bloom impersonator that the bitch is trying to parade around. That boy is trying way too hard, and Kiera is wearing a skirt pulled up to her titties. Tragic. She needs to drop a few to look like a living coat hanger like Kate Bosworth to get the real Orlando interested.
pic courtesy of D Listed